Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Munich - March 2010

It's been a while since I've been in a good cooking habit. Tonight, I decided to start back with my food diaries, and to get it going, I wanted to share the food we had in Europe, since that's where I left off...and since, it's way better than anything I could cook:)

Our first stop was Munich. The food was a favorite for Matt because it was mostly meats and cheeses. I preferred cheeses and pasta, so Italy was my favorite. But, I have to admit, their meats, bread, and cheeses were so good in Germany...along with the beer

Well, this was our airplane meal. I was super pumped. There's something about everything having its own little cute package and compartment that excites me. My favorite part was the cheese over there to the left. How cute it that? Also, there was butter and a single serving of ranch in that thing. Then, cannelloni, salad, a roll, and a little cookie thing. I loved the baby water thing, too. I'm obviously too easily entertained.

Deutsche Bier, Spaten. Yummm. 

This was our first meal. We just stopped in the middle of a busy shopping area so we could people watch, and sat outside. I had a traditional ham and eggs pasta dish, and Matt got some kind of sausage thing with sauerkraut. We also got a big pretzel with mustard.

This was a beautiful market in the middle of a big market/beer garden area.


We stopped in the 'bier garten' at a Paulaner spot. They only served Paulaner, so I got a wheat beer, and Matt got a pilsner ( i think that's the type it was). I really love how in Europe they serve you the type of beer in it's corresponding glass. They must have a huge stash of glasses. I was impressed. We actually started keeping up with it and there was NOWHERE we went that they didn't serve the beer in a glass that matched its type.

This was at the Hofbrauhaus. One of Munich's oldest breweries. We joined some Germans at a huge table, and sang along with their little chant they sing before hitting the bottom of the beer glass on the table and then clanging your beer glasses together. Beer spilling is totally normal in this routine. All I remember was, "Eins, zwei, gesoffen!" Which is something like, One, two, 'drunk'...also there was a lot of "Prost!!"

McDonald's photo op? Why not?!?!


  1. I LOVE that you are food blogging again! Mmmmm makes me hungry!

  2. Oh and one more thing I LOVE the air plane food too!


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